Thursday, May 27, 2010

An Introduction to Network Security

The computer network management is indeed a challenge. It is also perhaps the most crucial system within the company. The strength of your network security is important for ensuring the flexibility and good performance of everything related with computers. Interestingly, nowadays, companies are entirely dependant on the network management from checking daily mails, assigning tasks, surfing on the internet, information sharing, printer information sharing etc. So whenever your network became unresponsive or happens to be down, the entire organizational working will be affected at a large extent. It is very much possible to lots of man hours would be wasted. The non-performance of your network system will straight away reflect on productivity of your company.

There are many reasons that may cause a network to be down. It may happen due to minor network security breaches that majorly involve attack on the personal workstation.
More serious network security breaches involve real time attack on the servers.

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