Monday, April 5, 2010

NOC: Features and Benefits

Network Operations Center is a location from which the operation of a network or the connections to the Internet backbone is monitored. A NOC also acts as a control center for connectivity problems and the efforts to resolve those problems. That is why, a NOC is often referred as a datacenter. These communication systems are secure, managed network environments that may have hundreds or even thousands of Web servers hooked up to backup systems with multiple connections to the Internet Backbone.

NOC Features and Benefits:

The NOC provides the following quality benefits and capabilities:

• Keeping an eye on all backbone links and network devices.
• Ensuring continuous operation of servers and services.
• Excellent quality support for corporate customers.
• Troubleshooting of all network and system related problems.
• Opening tickets to track and document resolution of problems.

No wonder, NOCs are seen as greatest facilitators for smooth communication to keep intact with numerous customers.

Network Operations Centers: Know Better!

Network operations centers better known as NOCs, are increasing catching the momentum and becoming a hotspot in the expanding service provider industry. Application service providers (ASPs)—companies are offering fee-based applications over the Internet—and network service providers (NSPs)—companies provide fee-based management of network services—are the two main groups creating NOCs faster than they can find IT professionals to operate them.

In other words, you can call that the NOC is often regarded as the heart of ASPs and NSPs, as well as ISPs and telecom companies. However, few people know what actually goes on inside a NOC, and even fewer know what type of IT professionals are up to the challenge of working in one.

Thanks to the recent growth of the service provider industry and the expanding result of proliferation of network operations centers, there is a greater demand skilled networking professionals. These centers are considered as fruitful ways to facilitate communication to your customers.

Network Operations Center

A Network Operations Center, or NOC, is the main work space engineers utilize to monitor, manage and troubleshoot problems on a network. The Network Operations Center offers oversight of problems, configuration and change management, network security, performance and policy monitoring, reporting, quality assurance, scheduling, and documentation by utilizing sophisticated network management, monitoring and analysis tools. The presence of a NOC provides a structured environment that intelligently coordinates operational activities with all participants and vendors related to the function of the network.

People who are closely associated with the NOC setup are typically providing support for twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Typical daily processes include:

· Watching operations throughout the day and night.

· Ensuring continuous operation of servers and services.

· Giving quality support for all network users.

· Checking and troubleshooting of all network and system related problems.

· Opening tickets to track and document resolution of problems.